Colonel Doug Wheelock of NASA ( spent a couple of days on OC's campus to visit with students, faculty, and alum about his faith in God and his work as an astronaut. He talked in chapel and in several forums to honors students, engineering students, and even the trustee board of OC. It was such an exciting thing to see an amazing man of God tell about his engineering skills and how he optimized them during his trip to space.
Before they met with Colonel Wheelock, the girls went on a campus tour with Teaven. They saw everything from the tennis courts to the auditoriums to the engineering building. Dr. David Cassels, an OC Mechanical Engineering professor, showed the girls OC's wind tunnel. Obviously not built on a huge scale, the wind tunnel was still definitely impressive.
Then, Jennifer demonstrated the robot that she designed, built, and programmed for the freshman class, Engineering Fundamentals. The girls loved it!
After their campus tour, we met up with the girls at a session that Colonel Wheelock was speaking at.
We concluded with Dr. Mitchell talking to the girls about the different ways that engineering is appreciated at OC. The girls definitely had fun with him! Their visit to OC was a success!